Immutable CSS

This is extracted from the Github issue created to discuss the approach with my team. Please bear with me if I refer to something that wasn’t mentioned in the text.

What is Immutable CSS?

It’s a set of tiny classes that don’t change. You have a set of predefined small classes that you reuse everywhere. They are mostly one-liners with clear semantics. And you don’t write new CSS until it’s absolutely needed.

Lets pretend that we need to build a menu that changes background for each client. Consider the following example. The semantics is easy to remember: m — margin, p — padding.

<div class="menu mb1 p1">
  <img src="logo.svg"/>
.mb1 { margin-bottom: x } - adds bottom spacing
.p1 { padding: x } - adds padding

1 in class name means ‘single spacing’. And you don’t use pixels or any magic numbers. The spacing is based on the font size.

There are more utility classes like these and HTML tags are pre-styled so you can just use them as is.

Sales pitch

The claim is that 90% of CSS you don’t have to write at all. And instead of having tons of files and selectors one can add a bit more verbose-ish class names that are explicitly readable when you open the code.

After that styling the transparent menu is trivial:

.menu { background-color: #xxx }

But CSS Modules…?

Everybody seem to have high hopes for CSS modules. Let’s clear this up. I am not opposed to idea and they are great. However I would argue that CSS modules is a file organization concept mostly. As everything is compiled into a big pile of CSS in the browser.

You’re not defining colors and fonts in each module, so they are not that independent. You have some base CSS anyway.

So in the case above the Menu CSS Module would contain a single line - background-color. Everything else is build using immutable css classes from the BASE.

Show me!

Sure. Let’s take a random CSS Module from one of the pulls:

.type {
  width: 70%;
  composes: m-input-container from './../../../../form/input-container.css'

.type__select {
  composes: m-input from './../../../../form/input.css'

Looks like it should power this kind of HTML:


So you see this in your code, and to get the idea of what is going on you open the module, then you follow the ../../.. chain to find out that input-container is something like margin-bottom: 10px and before you know it — your whole codebase looks like this.

In addition to the scss mess already in place. It’s just a different form of SASS extend. With inheritance, specificity and the like. Just a different file format.

Compare to the following piece of CSS:

Wait, what? No CSS? Yes. You see the basic HTML tags like <select> don’t need to carry any classes. You just pre-style them once. How many variation of <select> or <input> you need anyway?

For .type that seems to be a some form of container I just put .container in HTML. width: 70% is a magic number. It seems to me that it can be replaced with .col-8 given 12-column grid.

So in HTML it will be something like:


And no CSS.

So it that another CSS framework?

Nope, just a library. As they say - you call the library, framework calls you. In fact it’s a set of css modules: whitespace, grid, forms, etc. A dozen one-liners each that can be reused everywhere.

I made a full circle before adopting this technique exclusively. After working with CSS, SCSS and now SASS while using Bootstrap, Foundation, various grid systems, Neat, Bourbon and what else there is.

But how can we use it, we already using Whatever?

The approach I preach to have a library of atomic, immutable small classes that can be combined for layout purposes. And top it off with smart reset for HTML elements. So all inputs, buttons and whatnot looks fine as is.

You only describe some specific behaviour in CSS you write. The basic styling and positioning is done with the base classes.

Do we have to change something?

Start with adding small one-liners. Here are for example three one-line clases for the menu. When you decide you need more you can continue.

Here is what the HTML could look like (Slim/Jade)

.menu                     | Sets Colors, nothing else. The only class that needs to be defined in CSS
  .container              | Sets max-width for the inner container
    .sm-show.left.mr2     | Show on small screens and upwards, float left, double spacing to the right
      img src="logo.png"

   .dropdown              | Dropdown wrapper, on hover show .dropdown-hidden
      .btn Purchasing     | Button-like look (transparent). Add hover effect that is font-color dependent
      .dropdown-hidden    | Container for Submenu
        a.btn             | Submenu itself

So the only CSS one has to write to hydrate the menu with some dynamic style (module or not):

.menu {
  background-color: #xxx
  color: #xxx

If you don’t need anything dynamic, just replace .menu with .bg-blue.white. And that removes CSS completely.

.btn class applies transparent button look by default. It inherits font and hover color from text so it works with any kind of stuff.

<button> HTML tag or .button class on the other hand is pre-styled as a fully-blown button with colored background (it is actually inherited from .btn.btn-primary).

What if we don’t like it?

This is the best part, each module is like 10-20 lines long. Look at the filesizes in the following section. You can easily replace or recreate parts you don’t like. It’s all built from CSS modules by the way.


Since I have adopted this approach I almost stopped writing css and it’s really easy to work with the projects now when I don’t have to edit multiple files. Another side effect is when you open the view you can read what it is going to look like. Kind of like in the Matrix movie.

For example the whole CSS for this agency website is less then 10Kb in size. And people think this is Bootstrap.

I’d love to show more examples, production code or answer questions. Here are some links to digest meanwhile:

  • Gravitons — A base set of simple utilities to start with
  • BASSCSS — The actual library I am suggestion to use
  • BASSCSS-FIX — Some things I wasn’t content with
  • ReBASS — BASSCSS-based React componets (Row, Column, Button etc)
  • Tachyons — Another tiny library with similar ideas
  • Solid — Buzzfeed implementation
  • Styling React Components in JavaScript — Embedding is disabled but the fun part starts in the second half of the video.


This approach really shines with templating engines that use terse indented syntax. So if you are still on the fence but willing to try it and like Slim I made boilerplate to demo some of the ideas.

Usage is simple. You just have to have npm, bower, and grunt installed:

npm install
bower install

Here’s what you can achieve in 10 minutes time: